As a primary and secondary marketplace, ticket prices may be above face value.

Spotlights on a stage
Image of Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot Tickets

No Buyer Fees on Some Like It Hot Tickets and Up to 30% Off Compared to Competitors. Learn More →

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All Some Like It Hot Events
  • Sep17tue
    07:30 PM - Some Like It HotProctors Theatre, Schenectady, NY
    14 Tickets Left!
  • Sep18wed
    07:30 PM - Some Like It HotProctors Theatre, Schenectady, NY
    19 Tickets Left!
  • Sep19thu
    01:30 PM - Some Like It HotProctors Theatre, Schenectady, NY
    11 Tickets Left!
  • Sep19thu
    08:00 PM - Some Like It HotProctors Theatre, Schenectady, NY
    15 Tickets Left!
  • Sep20fri
    08:00 PM - Some Like It HotProctors Theatre, Schenectady, NY
    14 Tickets Left!
  • Sep21sat
    02:00 PM - Some Like It HotProctors Theatre, Schenectady, NY
    15 Tickets Left!
  • Sep21sat
    08:00 PM - Some Like It HotProctors Theatre, Schenectady, NY
    19 Tickets Left!
  • Sep22sun
    08:00 PM - Some Like It HotProctors Theatre, Schenectady, NY
    15 Tickets Left!
  • Sep24tue
    07:30 PM - Some Like It HotSheas Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY
    16 Tickets Left!
  • Sep25wed
    07:30 PM - Some Like It HotSheas Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY
    15 Tickets Left!
  • Sep26thu
    07:30 PM - Some Like It HotSheas Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY
    17 Tickets Left!
  • Sep27fri
    07:30 PM - Some Like It HotSheas Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY
    11 Tickets Left!
  • Sep28sat
    02:00 PM - Some Like It HotSheas Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY
    18 Tickets Left!
  • Sep28sat
    08:00 PM - Some Like It HotSheas Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY
    10 Tickets Left!
  • Sep29sun
    01:00 PM - Some Like It HotSheas Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY
    17 Tickets Left!
  • Sep29sun
    06:30 PM - Some Like It HotSheas Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY
    15 Tickets Left!
  • Oct1tue
    07:30 PM - Some Like It HotFisher Theatre - MI, Detroit, MI
    20 Tickets Left!
  • Oct2wed
    07:30 PM - Some Like It HotFisher Theatre - MI, Detroit, MI
    26 Tickets Left!
  • Oct3thu
    07:30 PM - Some Like It HotFisher Theatre - MI, Detroit, MI
    24 Tickets Left!
  • Oct4fri
    07:30 PM - Some Like It HotFisher Theatre - MI, Detroit, MI
    26 Tickets Left!

Frequently Asked Questions About Some Like It Hot Tickets and Events

What is the average ticket price for Some Like It Hot Events in New York this year?

The average ticket price for Some Like It Hot Events in New York this year ranges from $186.62 to $597.88.

What is the date and location of the most expensive Some Like It Hot Event in New York?

The most expensive Some Like It Hot Event in New York is on April 28, 2023 and its location is unknown as it is not listed in the provided data.

Which event has the lowest ticket price and what is the date and location of this event?

The event with the lowest ticket price is on April 25, 2023 in New York with a price range of $104.19 to $127.81.

How can I get the best deals on "Some Like It Hot" tickets without breaking the bank?

You can search for "Some Like It Hot" tickets on MegaSeats, which offers cheap seats and no hidden fees for a stress-free ticket buying experience.

What are some tips for finding "Some Like It Hot" tickets at a discounted price?

Signing up for MegaSeats' email newsletter can keep you updated on the latest deals and promotions for "Some Like It Hot" tickets, and purchasing tickets in advance can often save you money.

Are there any VIP or premium "Some Like It Hot" ticket options available?

Yes, MegaSeats offers premium seating options for "Some Like It Hot" performances, which include perks like early entry and access to exclusive lounge areas.

Can I purchase group tickets for "Some Like It Hot" performances?

Yes, MegaSeats offers group ticket purchasing options for "Some Like It Hot" performances, making it easy to enjoy the show with friends or family.

What should I do if I can't attend the "Some Like It Hot" performance I purchased tickets for?

MegaSeats offers a ticket protection plan that allows you to resell or exchange your "Some Like It Hot" tickets if you are unable to attend the performance.

Are there any age restrictions for attending "Some Like It Hot" performances?

Age restrictions for "Some Like It Hot" performances vary by venue, so be sure to check with the specific theater before purchasing tickets.

Can I get a refund for "Some Like It Hot" tickets if the performance is cancelled?

Yes, MegaSeats offers a refund for "Some Like It Hot" tickets if the performance is cancelled, so you can rest assured that your purchase is protected.

Can I choose my own seats when purchasing "Some Like It Hot" tickets?

Yes, MegaSeats allows you to select your own seats when purchasing "Some Like It Hot" tickets, giving you control over where you will be sitting during the performance.

Is there a limit to how many "Some Like It Hot" tickets I can purchase?

The ticket limit for "Some Like It Hot" performances varies by venue, so be sure to check with the specific theater before making your purchase.

Are there any additional fees when purchasing "Some Like It Hot" tickets through MegaSeats?

No, MegaSeats offers no hidden fees when purchasing "Some Like It Hot" tickets, making it a great option for finding cheap tickets without any surprise charges.

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