Odd Mob Tickets
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Frequently Asked Questions About Odd Mob Tickets and Events
What is the average price of Odd Mob Events in Denver for 2023?
The average price of Odd Mob Events in Denver for 2023 is $49.
How much is the lowest price for an Odd Mob Event in Denver for 2023?
The lowest price for an Odd Mob Event in Denver for 2023 is $49.
What is the highest price for an Odd Mob Event in Denver for 2023?
The highest price for an Odd Mob Event in Denver for 2023 is $49.
Are there any other cities hosting Odd Mob Events besides Denver in 2023?
No other cities are listed in the given data to be hosting any Odd Mob Events besides Denver in 2023.
Based on the data, is there any change in the average price of Odd Mob Events in Denver from the previous year?
There is not enough data provided to know if there is any change in the average price of Odd Mob Events in Denver from the previous year.
What type of music does Odd Mob play?
Odd Mob is a DJ and producer who specializes in electronic dance music, including genres like house and techno.
How long is an Odd Mob concert?
The length of an Odd Mob concert can vary, but most concerts are typically around two hours long.
Will Odd Mob be performing with any other artists?
It depends on the specific concert, but often Odd Mob will perform with other electronic or dance artists.
Are there any age restrictions for attending an Odd Mob concert?
Age restrictions vary depending on the venue and city, but most Odd Mob concerts are 18+ or 21+.
Can I bring my camera or record the concert on my phone?
This also varies depending on the venue, but many places prohibit filming or photography during concerts.
Do I need to purchase tickets in advance or can I buy them at the door?
It's always safer to purchase tickets in advance to ensure availability, but it depends on the specific concert and venue.
Is there assigned seating or is it general admission?
It depends on the specific concert and venue, but most Odd Mob concerts are general admission.
Will there be merchandise available to buy at the concert?
It's possible that there will be merchandise available for purchase, like t-shirts or posters.
What time should I arrive at the concert venue?
Doors typically open around an hour before the show starts, so arriving around that time will ensure that you have time to get situated before the show starts.
Are there any VIP packages available for Odd Mob concerts?
This also depends on the specific concert and venue, but many artists offer VIP packages that include perks like meet-and-greets or exclusive access to certain areas.