As a primary and secondary marketplace, ticket prices may be above face value.

Spotlights on a stage
Image of Dan Soder

Dan Soder Tickets

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All Dan Soder Events
  • Apr19fri
    07:30 PM - Dan SoderDC Improv, Washington, DC
  • Apr19fri
    09:45 PM - Dan SoderDC Improv, Washington, DC
  • Apr20sat
    07:00 PM - Dan SoderDC Improv, Washington, DC
  • Apr20sat
    09:30 PM - Dan SoderDC Improv, Washington, DC
  • Apr21sun
    07:00 PM - Dan SoderDC Improv, Washington, DC
  • May9thu
    07:00 PM - Dan SoderComedy Connection - RI, East Providence, RI
  • May10fri
    07:00 PM - Dan SoderComedy Connection - RI, East Providence, RI
  • May10fri
    09:30 PM - Dan SoderComedy Connection - RI, East Providence, RI
  • May11sat
    09:30 PM - Dan SoderComedy Connection - RI, East Providence, RI
  • May16thu
    08:00 PM - Dan SoderDr. Grins Comedy Club at The B.O.B., Grand Rapids, MI
  • May17fri
    07:15 PM - Dan SoderDr. Grins Comedy Club at The B.O.B., Grand Rapids, MI
  • May17fri
    09:45 PM - Dan SoderDr. Grins Comedy Club at The B.O.B., Grand Rapids, MI
  • May18sat
    07:15 PM - Dan SoderDr. Grins Comedy Club at The B.O.B., Grand Rapids, MI
    2 Tickets Left!
  • May18sat
    09:45 PM - Dan SoderDr. Grins Comedy Club at The B.O.B., Grand Rapids, MI
  • May31fri
    07:30 PM - Dan SoderFunny Bone Comedy Club - Columbus, Columbus, OH
    2 Tickets Left!
  • May31fri
    10:00 PM - Dan SoderFunny Bone Comedy Club - Columbus, Columbus, OH
    3 Tickets Left!
  • Jun1sat
    07:00 PM - Dan SoderFunny Bone Comedy Club - Columbus, Columbus, OH
    5 Tickets Left!
  • Jun1sat
    09:45 PM - Dan SoderFunny Bone Comedy Club - Columbus, Columbus, OH
    4 Tickets Left!
  • Jun20thu
    07:00 PM - Bert Kreischer's Fully Loaded Comedy Festival: Tony Hinchcliffe, Whitney Cummings, Ralph Barbosa & moreTom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium, Canton, OH
    15 People Viewing Right Now
  • Jun21fri
    07:00 PM - Bert Kreischer's Fully Loaded Comedy Festival: Tony Hinchcliffe, Stavros Halkias & Ralph BarbosaMerriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD
    10 People Viewing Right Now

Frequently Asked Questions About Dan Soder Tickets and Events

What is the average price for a Dan Soder event in Columbus?

The average price for a Dan Soder event in Columbus is $70.55.

What is the city with the highest average price for a Dan Soder event?

The city with the highest average price for a Dan Soder event is Seattle, with an average price of $118.68.

Which event has the largest range of prices?

The event in Seattle on August 24th has the largest range of prices, with a lowest price of $53.86 and a highest price of $324.00.

What are the different types of seats available for Dan Soder tickets?

Fans can choose between general admission, floor seats, or balcony seats for Dan Soder shows.

Is it possible to get a discount on Dan Soder tickets?

Yes, fans can get cheap Dan Soder tickets by using promo codes, purchasing tickets in advance, or using MegaSeats to find deals on resale tickets.

Are there any age restrictions for attending Dan Soder shows?

It depends on the venue hosting the show. Some shows may have restrictions for attendees under 18 years old, while others may be all-ages events.

Can I resell my Dan Soder tickets if I am unable to attend the show?

Yes, fans can use MegaSeats to sell their Dan Soder tickets to other fans who are interested in attending.

Are there any VIP packages available for Dan Soder shows?

It depends on the venue hosting the show. Some venues may offer VIP packages that include meet and greets, early entry, or merchandise.

Can I buy Dan Soder tickets at the door?

It depends on the venue hosting the show. Some venues may have a box office where fans can purchase tickets on the day of the show, while others may sell out in advance.

What is the best way to find cheap Dan Soder tickets?

Fans can use MegaSeats to find deals on resale tickets or search for promo codes and discounts online.

Are there any fees associated with buying Dan Soder tickets?

It depends on the ticket seller. Some sellers may charge additional fees for processing or delivery, while others may offer ticket prices with no added fees.

What is the average price range for Dan Soder tickets?

It varies depending on the venue and location of the show. However, fans can use MegaSeats to find tickets within their budget.

Can I purchase Dan Soder tickets as a gift for someone else?

Yes, fans can purchase Dan Soder tickets as a gift for someone else and transfer the tickets to their name using MegaSeats.

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