As a primary and secondary marketplace, ticket prices may be above face value.

Spotlights on a stage
Image of When We Were Young

When We Were Young Tickets

No Buyer Fees on When We Were Young Tickets and Up to 30% Off Compared to Competitors. Learn More →

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  • Oct19sat
    11:00 AM - When We Were Young: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, A Day To Remember & Jimmy Eat WorldLas Vegas Festival Grounds, Las Vegas, NV
    20 People Viewing Right Now
    20 Tickets Left!
  • Oct20sun
    11:00 AM - When We Were Young: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, A Day To Remember & Jimmy Eat WorldLas Vegas Festival Grounds, Las Vegas, NV
    12 Tickets Left!
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Frequently Asked Questions About When We Were Young Tickets and Events

What is the average ticket price for When We Were Young Festival featuring Green Day and Blink 182?

The average ticket price for When We Were Young Festival featuring Green Day and Blink 182 ranges from $522.55 to $793.11.

What is the date of When We Were Young Festival featuring Green Day and Blink 182?

When We Were Young Festival featuring Green Day and Blink 182 will be held on October 21st and October 22nd in 2023.

In which city is When We Were Young Festival featuring Green Day and Blink 182 taking place?

When We Were Young Festival featuring Green Day and Blink 182 will take place in Las Vegas.

What are some benefits of purchasing When We Were Young tickets in advance?

By purchasing When We Were Young tickets in advance, you can avoid the rush of last-minute buyers and ensure that you get the seats you want. Additionally, some ticket vendors offer early bird discounts that can save you money.

Are there any discounts available for When We Were Young tickets?

Yes, some ticket vendors offer discounts for students, seniors, military members, or first-time customers. You can also check social media pages or newsletters of event organizers or sponsors for promo codes or giveaways.

What are some of the best tips for finding cheap tickets for When We Were Young?

Some tips for finding cheap tickets for When We Were Young include buying tickets during presales, using price tracking tools, subscribing to ticket vendors' newsletters, buying tickets directly from the box office, and avoiding resale sites with high fees.

Can I transfer or resell my When We Were Young tickets if I can't attend the event?

Yes, depending on the ticket vendor and the event's policies, you may be able to transfer, resell, or exchange your When We Were Young tickets. Some ticket vendors also offer refund or cancellation options.

What should I do if my When We Were Young tickets are lost, stolen, or damaged?

If your When We Were Young tickets are lost, stolen, or damaged, contact the ticket vendor or box office as soon as possible to report the issue and request a reprint or replacement. Some vendors may charge a fee for this service.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my When We Were Young tickets to a different seating section or package?

Depending on the event's policies and availability, you may be able to upgrade or downgrade your When We Were Young tickets to a different seating section, package, or add-ons such as VIP passes or parking. Contact the ticket vendor or box office for more information.

What payment methods are accepted for When We Were Young tickets?

Most ticket vendors accept major credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Some vendors also accept PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or other online payment methods.

Are When We Were Young tickets refundable or exchangeable?

Depending on the event's policies and the ticket vendor's terms and conditions, When We Were Young tickets may be refundable or exchangeable under certain circumstances such as event cancellation, date or venue change, or ticket availability issues. Check the vendor's website or contact their customer service for details.

Can I buy When We Were Young tickets on the day of the event?

Depending on the event's popularity and availability, you may be able to buy When We Were Young tickets on the day of the event, but the prices may be higher and the selection may be limited. It's recommended to buy tickets in advance to secure your spot.

How can I find the best deals on When We Were Young tickets?

To find the best deals on When We Were Young tickets, compare prices from different vendors, check for promo codes and discounts, sign up for newsletters and alerts, use cashback or reward apps, and consider buying tickets in bulk for a group or family.

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